As someone raised in a very food-centric home, I’m always baffled by how many people I meet just have no idea how to cook. It’s too bad, and not just for all of the normal reasons. Sure, folks should learn to feed themselves, it can save them money, yadda yadda. Beyond that, it’s sad because…
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Happy 2019! I got a job and stopped posting last year, but I actually had a bunch of posts partially written from before then. I finally went through and edited those so I’ll be able to put up posts semi-regularly again. They’re from 2018 and are mostly more game reviews from when trying new stuff…
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While writing my why I make games post, I found myself comparing to why I make web apps. True, I grew up in games, but I also grew up using the internet for everything, and my interactions with it have shaped who I am. When I was playing Star Wars Galaxies, I was also prolific…
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Like a lot of folks, I grew up playing games. I remember playing One Must Fall when I was 4 or 5 and thinking it was just about the coolest thing ever (it was; giant fighting robots!). Of course, I was quickly forbidden from playing something so violent. I have a vivid recollection that “I’d…
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Thoughts on games, software engineering, and sometimes not those things